April 3, 2013


A few days ago, I quickly put together a basic tote bag to refresh my sewing skills for a couple sewing projects I've been meaning to get to (for like, a year). I think I got the proportions about right, but it could still use a little tweaking. Even so, I'm always surprised and thrilled by the high of filling a functional void by making something useable for myself. Joy in the small things. And of course, all done with a little help from resident napping dog, Toby.


kate cait sith said...

Oh, I am *SO* glad you are into sewing! This is great! ... I think you would be my dream sewing friend...
I actually just recently sewed a organic linen dress on commission for a customer that I'm planning to feature tomorrow on my blog...
Sew more! I promote sewing, it's very liberating.

Layla said...

I'm just getting back into sewing as well! Lovely to see :) XX

Anonymous said...

I'm so so very happy you seem to be blogging more again !! Every post is a joy to read. Please keep up the good work :))

- a reader from the still cold scandinavia

Anonymous said...

Super excited you're blogging again! :3

Jane said...

The perfect tote!